Rabu, 16 Februari 2011

Membuat Efek Gambar Pada Blog

Ingin mempercantik blog dengan efek daun berguguran seperti punya saya? Di bawah ini sedikit saya mau berbagi cara menambah efek daun atau salju yang berguguran di blog.Cara mudahnya seperti ini :
1. Login blogger 2. Rancangan(Design) 3. Pilih Elemen Halaman 4. Tambah Gadget Pilih HTML / JAVASCRIPT 5. Copy Kode Dibawah ini Kedalamnya:

<script src="http://postrecent.googlecode.com/files/daundj.js" type="text/javascript"> </script>
6. Save Template Dan Lihat hasilnya.. Cara lainnya seperti ini
  • Url image yang warna merah di bawah ini bisa diganti dengan Url image kita sendiri, atau dengan Url dibawah ini


  • Angka yang saya beri warna merah itu adalah jumlah yang gugur, dan bisa kalian ganti juga.
<script type='text/javascript'>
// <![CDATA[
* Snow Effect Script- By Altan d.o.o. (http://www.altan.hr/snow/index.html)
* Visit Dynamic Drive DHTML code library (http://www.dynamicdrive.com/) for full source code
* Last updated Nov 9th, 05 by DD. This notice must stay intact for use

//Configure below to change URL path to the snow image
var snowsrc="http://lh3.ggpht.com/_ILzML2joCeU/TMOqTDxrKtI/AAAAAAAAAG8/2TRCMe4KDIg/eeeay0vm.gif";
// Configure below to change number of snow to render
var no = 20;
// Configure whether snow should disappear after x seconds (0=never):
var hidesnowtime = "0";
// Configure how much snow should drop down before fading ("windowheight" or "pageheight")
var snowdistance = "pageheight";

//*******Dimas says: JANGAN EDIT YANG DIBAWAH INI***

var ie4up = (document.all) ? 1 : 0;
var ns6up = (document.getElementById&&!document.all) ? 1 : 0;

function iecompattest(){
return (document.compatMode && document.compatMode!="BackCompat")? document.documentElement : document.body

var dx, xp, yp; // coordinate and position variables
var am, stx, sty; // amplitude and step variables
var i, doc_width = 800, doc_height = 600;

if (ns6up) {
doc_width = self.innerWidth;
doc_height = self.innerHeight;
} else if (ie4up) {
doc_width = iecompattest().clientWidth;
doc_height = iecompattest().clientHeight;

dx = new Array();
xp = new Array();
yp = new Array();
am = new Array();
stx = new Array();
sty = new Array();
snowsrc=(snowsrc.indexOf("dynamicdrive.com")!=-1)? "snow.gif" : snowsrc
for (i = 0; i < no; ++ i) {
dx[i] = 0; // set coordinate variables
xp[i] = Math.random()*(doc_width-50); // set position variables
yp[i] = Math.random()*doc_height;
am[i] = Math.random()*20; // set amplitude variables
stx[i] = 0.02 + Math.random()/10; // set step variables
sty[i] = 0.7 + Math.random(); // set step variables
if (ie4up||ns6up) {
if (i == 0) {
document.write("<div id=\"dot"+ i +"\" style=\"POSITION: absolute; Z-INDEX: "+ i +"; VISIBILITY: visible; TOP: 15px; LEFT: 15px;\"><a href=\"http://wpplugins.info\"><img src="+snowsrc+" border=\"0\"><\/a><\/div>");
} else {
document.write("<div id=\"dot"+ i +"\" style=\"POSITION: absolute; Z-INDEX: "+ i +"; VISIBILITY: visible; TOP: 15px; LEFT: 15px;\"><img src="+snowsrc+" border=\"0\"><\/div>");

function snowIE_NS6() { // IE and NS6 main animation function
doc_width = ns6up?window.innerWidth-10 : iecompattest().clientWidth-10;
doc_height=(window.innerHeight && snowdistance=="windowheight")? window.innerHeight : (ie4up && snowdistance=="windowheight")? iecompattest().clientHeight : (ie4up && !window.opera && snowdistance=="pageheight")? iecompattest().scrollHeight : iecompattest().offsetHeight;
for (i = 0; i < no; ++ i) { // iterate for every dot
yp[i] += sty[i];
if (yp[i] > doc_height-50) {
xp[i] = Math.random()*(doc_width-am[i]-30);
yp[i] = 0;
stx[i] = 0.02 + Math.random()/10;
sty[i] = 0.7 + Math.random();
dx[i] += stx[i];
document.getElementById("dot"+i).style.left=xp[i] + am[i]*Math.sin(dx[i])+"px";
snowtimer=setTimeout("snowIE_NS6()", 10);

function hidesnow(){
if (window.snowtimer) clearTimeout(snowtimer)
for (i=0; i<no; i++) document.getElementById("dot"+i).style.visibility="hidden"

if (ie4up||ns6up){
if (hidesnowtime>0)
setTimeout("hidesnow()", hidesnowtime*1000)
// ]]></script>

5. Kemudian “Simpan” dan silahkan lihat hasilnya.

Sumber : dj-note.blogspot dan http://rtn-alwaysforyou.blogspot.com/